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Message: The Folder has reached its quota limit


I am try to do an application example that use FileVistaControl.
My Demo application is multilanguage (Italian / English).
All the label is traslate without problem (change the Languiage property to it or en).
The only message that is always the same and that I can't change on the it.xml / en.xml file is message in the Subject.
This message appear when you upload more file dimension that the dimension of quota.
Is possibile link this message in the the xml file language ?
I want that the message change for Italian people like "Non puoi eseguire l'upload dei file perchè hai raggiunto il limite massimo assegnato". Obviously when the language parameter is it.

Finally, FileVista Control is runtime free ?

Nicola Moscardo 5/8/2009 4:52 AM
No one Answer ?!?!
I need one answer for one of my customer project.
Nicola Moscardo 5/12/2009 12:55 AM
Hi Nicola,
Ok, we enabled upload related messages to be also defined in the language file.
I have sent you the updated files via email.
Cem Alacayir 5/24/2009 4:30 PM
Dear Cem,

I have test the modify about the 5 new message and I see that there is some problem.
Like you see in the picture (see in my email send at 26/05/2009 15.44 to '') all the label in the form is in Italian but the message is in English.
I have translate the new text in italian language with no result.
For me you must send to me the library (where the message is call) not only the new language
I wait one answer if is possible.


Nicola Moscardo
Nicola Moscardo 6/4/2009 10:11 AM
Hi Nicola,
Actually on May 25, I sent you the updated DLLs not language files in reply to your message on the same day.
I guess you didn't receive it. By the way, your second message on May 26 was caught by the spam filter so I couldn't receive it earlier.

Anyway, we have released v1.7 which already includes this change:
- Added: 5 new upload related strings to the language files.

Please update your version to v1.7 (as described in the release notification email that was sent recently) and let me know.
Cem Alacayir 6/8/2009 2:09 AM
I have installed the version 1.7.
Le language property is set to Italia.
This is the message on the file:

    <String key="308">Hai superato il limite massimo di Quota assegnato alla Cartella.</String>
    <String key="309">La dimensione totale dell'Upload dei file supera il limite di Quota.</String>
    <String key="310">Questo tipo di file non è permesso.</String>
    <String key="311">Il Permesso di Edit è negato alla cartella così non puoi sovrascrivere con lo stesso Nome.</String>
    <String key="312">La grandezza del File eccede il limite di quota assegnato alla Cartella.</String>

    <String key="308">Sorry,The folder has reached its quota limit.</String>
    <String key="309">Upload size exceeds the folder quota limit.</String>
    <String key="310">This file type is not allowed.</String>
    <String key="311">Edit permission is denied on the folder so can not overwrite the file with the same name.</String>
    <String key="312">File size exceeds the folder quota limit.</String>

I have 4 folder and like you see the quota is 1 mb.
I have upload one file of 886 kb (see Picture1) and I click “Add to Zip”.
I receive the error see in Picture2.

I Upload 1 file on 2,43Mb (Picture 3) and I receive the message that you see on picture 4.
I have send the Picture file on

I wait one answer Please.

Nicola Moscardo 6/8/2009 4:03 AM
v1.7 package includes the new language files which include 5 new strings at the bottom with keys 307 to 312.
Note that in most of the new language files, the new strings are added in English so that the original translators can replace the new strings. We may not offer the best translation for each language so it's best to leave it to the native speakers of the language.

This is why you are seeing some messages still in English although you change the language of the control to Italian.
So you need to edit it.xml from FileVistaControl\languages folder and replace these 5 new English strings with Italian ones.

If you already did this, then don't forget to restart the control cache (application domain) so that it reloads the language files. You can force a restart by modifying web.config of your project. I also recommend a rebuild of your project.
Cem Alacayir 6/8/2009 4:52 AM