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file and folder display tweak?

Firstly, this is a great little program - well commented and works straight out of the 'virtual box' - well done !

My question:
I was wondering if it was possible to have underscores in file names or folder names display as spaces in the browser.

That is: 

Would display as:
name 1.pdf

The file would download with the undescores.

gary 6/14/2005 12:04 AM
I ended up sorting something out for myself. I used the following to remove underscores from folder names to clean the look up a bit.


Dim sFolderName, aFolderName, i
sFolderName = objFolder.Name
sFolderName = Replace(sFolderName, "_", " ")
aFolderName = Split(sFolderName, " ")
for i = LBound(aFolderName) to UBOund(aFolderName)
aFolderName(i) = UCase(Left(aFolderName(i), 1)) & LCase(Right(aFolderName(i), Len(aFolderName(i)) - 1))
sFolderName = Join(aFolderName, " ")

The call it with:
gary 6/19/2005 2:05 AM