Sorry formy english..
in config, may I put a second password?
for example,i want open wexlite with the default password "tester" and another, for example "tester2"..
Is it possible to apply in it?
Where and What i have to modify?
here the code..
' - Constants ------------------------------------------------
' For disabling password security set wexPassword = ""
Const wexPassword = "tester"
' Root folder, it can be a physical or virtual folder: "c:\test", "/test"
' Beware that you will not have web access(no web browsing of files/folders) if you use a physical folder like "c:\test"
' If you want to have web access with a physical folder, you should create a virtual folder(IIS alias like "/folder") for that physical folder and use it instead.
Const wexRoot = "/public/mastercar/"
' Show files and folders that have hidden attribute set?
Const showHiddenItems = true
' Calculate total size of the current folder? Disable if it takes long time with huge folders.
Const calculateTotalSize = true
' Calculate total sizes of the folders in the listing? Disable if it takes long time with huge folders.
Const calculateFolderSize = true
' List of file extensions which are showed with the "T" icon and can be edited by clicking the icon.
Const editableExtensions = "htm,html,jpg,asp,asa,txt,inc,css,aspx,js,vbs,shtm,shtml,xml,xsl,log"
' List of file extensions which are showed with the "P" icon and can be viewed by clicking the icon.
Const viewableExtensions = "htm,html,jpg,asp,png,asa,txt,inc,css,aspx,js,vbs,shtm,shtml,xml,xsl,log"
' Display full physical path of the current folder? Set it to false for hiding your server path structure.
Const displayPath = true
' List of file extensions to be monitored during Upload, Rename, Editor Save and Create New File actions.
' Allowance or denial is due to the value of denyMonitored constant. Extensions should be separated by comma.
Const monitoredExtensions = "htm,html,asp,jpg,asa,txt,inc,css,aspx,js,vbs,shtm,shtml,xml,xsl,log"
' True means monitored extensions are denied and false means only monitored extensions are allowed but not any other.
Const denyMonitored = true
' ------------------------------------------------------------
' - Variables ------------------------------------------------
' Set script timeout value to higher values (in seconds) if the script fails when uploading large files
Server.ScriptTimeout = 300
' Preferred character set, default value is "ISO-8859-1" (Western European character set)
' Don't bother to change it unless you are having problems with handling text in your language
' Character sets and supporting code pages can be found at
Response.CharSet = "ISO-8859-1"
' Preferred code page, default value is 1252 (Western European codepage)
' Don't bother to change it unless you are having problems with handling text in your language
Session.CodePage = 1252
' Preferred locale identifier, default value is 1033 (English - United States)
' Locale ID (LCID) Chart can be found at
Session.LCID = 1033
' ------------------------------------------------------------
' - Plugins --------------------------------------------------
' File transfer plugin
%><!-- #include file="./plugins/file transfer/WexGeneric.asp" --><%
' ------------------------------------------------------------
12/5/2005 11:13 AM
Of course you can!
Const wexPassword = "tester"
Const wexPassword2 = "tester2"
and in the default pageyou have to manage thre "Sub Login()" at line 596
6/26/2006 10:55 AM
How do you manage the "Sub Login()"?
9/7/2006 5:51 PM
I have the same problem,i created data base with name and passwords,than i called the function which will add all the names and passwords from data base to wexPasswwordArray(some length),and then i manage it in Sub Login() by checking which password equals to Request.Form("pwd"),I log excellent,but when i create a folder of file it automatically makes the folders invisble,what is wrong?
David Baum
5/25/2008 12:01 AM