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Access denied using UNC path

When I add a root folder to a share on a different server (i.e. \\server1\folder), and then log in as a user with access to that folder, I get:

Access to path '\\server1\folder' is denied

I've tried using both \\server1\folder and \\server1/folder when setting up the root folder. I have given Modify rights to the NETWORK SERVICE to the folder. 

Any suggestions?
Stephen Ott 1/28/2008 11:17 AM
When configuring the UNC share's permission, are you sure you are refering to the ASP.NET
server's Network Service account ( rather than the UNC share machine's
Network Service account)? Network Service just represent machine's account so it differs from machine to machine.
Cem Alacayir 2/4/2008 7:48 AM
Any suggestions on how I can make sure the correct Network Service account is being accessed? When I go to assign rights, it doesn't let me choose the ASP.NET sever specifically under "Locations". I can only choose OUs in my domain.
Stephen Ott 2/4/2008 11:18 AM
Actually, Network Service is a local account and I guess it can not access network shares.

You should use a domain account for this purpose. Add this line in web.config:

<identity impersonate="true" userName="DomainUserX" password="Password123"/>

This will make the application run in the context of the domain user who has access permissions on the UNC share.

Let me know.
Cem Alacayir 2/8/2008 6:11 AM
I have the same issue.

I have setup impersonation for a network user account.

I still get this same Access Denied error when attempting to download, ZIP, or preview.

Can you please tell the exact setup steps to follow when attempting to access content on a UNC share?

Dev 3/24/2008 8:56 PM

I have the same issue too!

I have tried any number of things, including the following with the network admin account (eek!).

<identity impersonate="true" userName="Admin" password="Password123"/> 

If I try Filevista on the server in the local browser all is OK, but from a remote client then I get the error.

I have been pulling my hair out fiddling to get this working, but so far I only have a pile of hair and no access for AD passthrough accounts.
Cyprien 3/25/2008 6:47 AM
Are you sure you are also enabling Windows authentication with this line in web.config:

<authentication mode="Windows" />

It's set to none by default.
Cem Alacayir 4/7/2008 10:59 AM