No, there is no event for file selection as of v1.6.
Please see
Obtaining the selected file in server side code for a sample implementation.
Below is an example code for implementing the Uploaded event.
private static bool areHandlersAdded = false;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Add your events within this if block
if (!areHandlersAdded)
FileVistaControl.Uploaded += new EventHandler<FileVistaUploadedEventArgs>(FileVistaControl_Uploaded);
areHandlersAdded = true;
private void FileVistaControl_ Uploaded(object sender, FileVistaUploadedEventArgs e)
//You can use e.RootFolder.MapPath(e.RelativePath) to
//get the physical path of only the folder that the files are uploaded to
//Get the paths of the uploaded files by walking through UploadedFiles collection
string filePaths;
foreach (GleamTech.Web.FileTransfer.UploadedFile uploadedFile in e.UploadProgress.UploadedFiles)
filePaths += uploadedFile.FullPath + ", ";