Please correct my below understanding if I am wrong.
I want this software to be integrated to my website which has it's own user database. My site is written in ASP, hence the site login page is authenticated in ASP.
I have two options:
1. Buy FileVista full version
2. Write an ASP script to sync my database with FileVista database
3. When user login to the main site and then to FileVista, an intermediate page will post username/password to the Filevista login.
1. Buy the FileVista Control
2. Ask a .NET developer to authenticate login with my database
I would choose option (b) because it is cheaper for unlimited users.
5/28/2008 9:45 PM
Yes, you can implement both of these options. If you website/database can know each user's assigned folders and permissions then you should choose option (b). Actually it would be very easy to implement a page which connects to your database and determines the current user's folders for the control.
Cem Alacayir
6/9/2008 2:51 PM
It would be very useful to have and example of how to set the control to reference a database to check the user's authentication level for option (b). Could someone please post this. I would very much appreciate it.
8/12/2008 7:09 AM
I just created web.config that checks to see if the user is in a certain role. If they are in the role, they see the link (from the web.sitemap). If they are not in the role, then they don't see the icon and cannot get to the page due to the web.config file preventing users outside the role access to the page. I am sure you could also assign a value to a folder and prevent access to a folder associated with a particular access type.
Here's my web.config code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=
<allow roles="Staff" />
<deny users="*" />
This prevents users access who are not in the "Staff" role. It also, when used in conjunction with a web.sitemap, limits users the ability to see the link.
8/18/2008 1:01 PM