Hi our file vista control stopped working for a portion of our users yesterday. did a windows patch come over? we are unable to isolate the error.
when clicking the upload button, an error icon appears in the lower left hand corner.
"Line; 49
Char: 5
Error: Unspecified Error
Code: 0
URL: http://(site)/FileVistaControl/upload.aspx?rootfolderID=0&relativePath=DDWG%20for%20Review&refresh=1
Ryan Tombs
10/28/2008 10:35 AM
Turns out there is a problem with internet explorer... it works under 7.0.5730.11 but not 7.0.5730.13...
Hello gleamtech, we need a hotfix asap.
Ryan Tombs
10/28/2008 11:59 AM
This should be about Flash 10 and not IE version. Flash 10 compability was done in the recently released version 1.6, please update your version.
Cem Alacayir
11/18/2008 1:21 PM
Same error after updating the control. Any other suggestions? Email me and I can set you up an account for testing.
Ryan Tombs
11/18/2008 10:16 PM
If you updated to v1.6 and still get the same error then this seems to be browser caching issue. Can you please try refreshing the upload page? You can do this by right-clicking just below "Add" button and open browser's context menu for Refresh command (in Firefox This frame > Reload Frame). Another way is to browse directly to
and use CTRL + F5 to clear browser cache and then returning to FileVista main page and opening the upload dialog.
Let me know if this is the case for your issue.
Cem Alacayir
11/19/2008 1:49 AM
was there ever a fix for this? I have tried what you show here and we are still having the issue.
5/28/2009 2:43 PM
As mentioned above, you need to first upgrade to v1.6 of the control to have Flash 10 compability.
I have sent you the download link via email. After the upgrade, if you still get the error, you should force the browser to load the new files as described above.
Cem Alacayir
5/28/2009 9:37 PM
I had the same problem with the same error.
The problem was a file call upload.aspx in the main root of my project.
I have delete the file and all run well.
I describe to you only my experience.
Nicola Moscardo
6/5/2009 12:40 AM
The original error report was about Flash 10 support and it only effected versions prior to v1.6.
Can you explain your case? I hope you didn't delete FileVistaControl\upload.aspx as it's a required file.
I couldn't understand what you mean by "The problem was a file call upload.aspx in the main root of my project".
Cem Alacayir
6/8/2009 2:39 AM