I am attempting to use "Fullscreen=true" which works nicely to automatically resize the control. I am however attempting to add some "logout buttons" and text in the upper right hand corner. I have accomplished this using z-index, however I am having an issue with z-index in IE6/7.
I read that it should be solved by adding absolute positioning throughout, however I can't seem to make this work with the filevistacontrol.
Any ideas on adding buttons to the control for Logout???
10/9/2009 7:06 AM
Still having this issue with IE6/7 - apparently working fine in new IE8. I would appreciate any suggestions/alternatives.
10/14/2009 1:58 PM
For adding buttons to the toolbar, first modify your host page body tag as <body onload=”onPageLoad”> and include the following js code, in your page’s external or internal js code:
function onPageLoad() {
controlLoadCompleteEvent = onControlLoadComplete;
function onControlLoadComplete() {
toolbar.onButtonClick = onNewButtonClick;
toolbar.renderItem(toolbar.addButton("Logout", "Log out", "logout.png"));
function onNewButtonClick(e, button) {
switch (button.command) {
case "Logout":
//Do your log-out code here
onButtonClick(e, button);
Regarding adding other text, add this markup right after the end of the filevistacontrol's tag:
<div id="divToolbarInfo" style="position: absolute; top:10px; right:10px;">Some toolbar info</div>
Cem Alacayir
1/15/2010 7:04 AM
Hey Cem,
This solution seems to be out of date with the most current version.
toolbar is a BarInfo but it has none of the methods in this example. Is there a more up to date example of adding buttons?
Jason Vetter
9/17/2012 6:03 AM
Jason, please see
Add a button in the toolbar (FileUltimate) for the latest example.
Cem Alacayir
10/3/2012 5:51 PM