Good morning everyone. I'm the developer of bitsolution. We have source code license. I'm working on the implementation of a thumbnails features in FileVistaControl, to insert in right panel control (in replacement of details grid).
I already read this topic ( where is exposed that "it's an advanced feature so it will take some time". Working on your code, i'm absolutely of the same idea.
So, i need some answers to make easiest my work. In particular :
1) Is filevista.js/loadGrid that create grid view using the xml genereted by GetList?
2) Wich functions generate tree view?
3) Some idea on how to substitute right panel with asp-net c# control?
Probably i'm so near solutions, but i'm missing something..
thanks for all :)
Stefano Marrone
3/16/2010 11:28 PM
Hi Stefano,
Yes, this feature would be hard to implement but I will try to help.
Yes, our JavaScript controls (Grid, Tree etc.) are created according to the XML files that are generated by web service methods which are called via AJAX. You should examine onTreeXmlComplete and onGridXmlComplete functions in filevista.js to see how these XML data is processed. Yes, GetList is the web service method responsible for returning the file list to be displayed in the grid. GetFolders is the web service method responsible for returning the folder's subfolders for the tree view.
I am not sure if you should use a server-side control for the right panel because the control is AJAX based and when navigating folders your thumbnail view should be updated constantly (there is no postback to the page).
Cem Alacayir
3/22/2010 5:32 PM
Thanks for the support.
Yes, during these days I have thoroughly analyzed the structure of filevista.js and the implementation of thumbnails, with the necessary services, is long and requires a lot of code change. Currently I'm working on an idea (very intuitive) to get around the problem. On work end, i will show you some pictures :)
Stefano Marrone
3/22/2010 11:26 PM