We just purchased the control and are attempting to put it in our application. We have the upload working for tiny text files but asd soon as we try something a little larger (i.e. .docx, xlsx), the FileVistaControl_Failed event fires (after it times out) with a message:
"The connection has been closed between the browser and the server."
We're not sure what the issue is here. We have a hard-coded path which works for the text files. Here's the code:
Dim fileVistaControl As FileVistaControl = DirectCast(LoadControl("~/FileVistaControl/filevista.ascx"), FileVistaControl)
fileVistaControl.Style = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("fileVistaControlStyle").ToString ' "width: 800px; height: 600px"
fileVistaControl.Language = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("fileVistaControlLanguage").ToString
fileVistaControl.LicenseKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("fileVistaControlLicenseKey").ToString
Dim curriculum As New FileVistaRootFolder("Curriculum", "C:/VSProjects/CCCM/V1.0x/WebSite/Upload/Site0/curriculum/")
curriculum.Permissions = FileVistaPermissions.Full
We commented out the quota and allowed file types to see if that was the issue. Our environment is VS2008. Any clue on this issue?
3/24/2010 4:55 AM
A bit more information - our error handler is returning the following:
System.Web.HttpException: An unhandled exception occured in the upload module.
Generated: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 12:22:55 GMT
System.Web.HttpException: An unhandled exception occured in the upload module.
at GleamTech.Web.FileTransfer.UploadHttpModule.a(Object A_0, EventArgs A_1)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
ALL_HTTP HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL:no-cache HTTP_CONNECTION:Keep-Alive HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH:71156 HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE:multipart/form-data; boundary=----------gL6Ef1KM7Ij5ae0GI3gL6ae0GI3Ij5 HTTP_ACCEPT:text/* HTTP_COOKIE:ASP.NET_SessionId=0o21jy45huk0l3555zehvz45; .ASPXAUTH=65BEFDAB63979B1A18568766431060E74B76C55B70727A928DCA6E4B505B5F5E5D5BAEB2AD439F7EDA21D36B0B164
3218896A5CC97337B23A149DA65; activetabindex=0 HTTP_HOST:localhost:61809 HTTP_USER_AGENT:Shockwave Flash
ALL_RAW Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 71156 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------gL6Ef1KM7Ij5ae0GI3gL6ae0GI3Ij5 Accept: text/* Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=0o21jy45huk0l3555zehvz45; .ASPXAUTH=65BEFDAB63979B1A18568766431060E74B76C55B70727A928DCA6E4B505B5F5E5D5BAEB2AD439F7EDA21D36B0B1648E
3218896A5CC97337B23A149DA65; activetabindex=0 Host: localhost:61809 User-Agent: Shockwave Flash
PATH_INFO /FileVistaControl/upload.aspx
PATH_TRANSLATED C:\VSProjects\CCCM\V1.0x\WebSite\FileVistaControl\upload.aspx
QUERY_STRING rootFolderID=0&relativePath=&ASP.NET_SessionId=0o21jy45huk0l3555zehvz45&FT.Active=1&FT.OverrideProvider=1&
3/24/2010 4:59 AM
Are you using Forms Authentication or another HTTP module or an Application_BeginRequest function (global.asax) in your project? These 3 things can effect the upload module of the control. The upload module should be the first one processing the request.
These topics may be helpful:
Upload with Forms Authenticationhttpmodules limit the size of upload
Cem Alacayir
3/24/2010 7:24 AM
That was it - we had some code in Application_BeginRequest in globals. As soon as we commented it out, it worked.
Thanks for the quick reply
3/24/2010 8:36 AM
If you need to run that code in Application_BeginRequest then you can add some checking code at the top of the function like this:
if( Request.RawUrl.ToLower().Contains( "filevistacontrol/upload.aspx" ) )
This way you can exclude the requests for control uploads and run your code for all the other request.
Cem Alacayir
3/24/2010 9:48 AM