Is there a way to prevent filevistacontrol from attempting to zip files before download when multiple files are selected?
We are using this to interface with VERY LARGE imagery files which require MUCH time to compress and the raster nature of the data does not benefit from compression. Looking for a mechanism to select multiple files and have them download directly.
5/4/2010 6:41 AM
We need to zip files when downloading multiple files because this is the nature of browsers (packing together to generate a single file is required). However we will try to implement zipping and streaming the files immediately. This means, you will not wait for the zipping to be finished before downloading. You will start to receive the file immediately when you click download. I will let you know.
By the way, note that there is MaxZipFileSize property (in v1.9) which allows you to limit the size of the generated zip files. You may use it to prevent your users from trying to download very large files (zipped) that they are not allowed to.
Cem Alacayir
5/4/2010 11:15 AM