My testing was coming along just fine, but now projects I compiled a few days ago will no longer compile. Is the trial version limited in some way?
Bob Moffa
7/25/2010 9:18 AM
Something else must be going on here. My .cs file for the page contains this code:
if (Application["areEventHandlersAttached"] == null)
FileVistaControl.Uploading += new EventHandler<FileVistaUploadingEventArgs>(FileVistaControl_Uploading);
FileVistaControl.Uploaded += new EventHandler<FileVistaUploadedEventArgs>(FileVistaControl_Uploaded);
Application["areEventHandlersAttached"] = true;
private static void FileVistaControl_Uploading(object sender, FileVistaExtractedEventArgs e)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(e.RootFolder.MapPath(e.RelativePath), "FileVistaControl_Uploading");
private static void FileVistaControl_Uploaded(object sender, FileVistaBrowsingEventArgs e)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(e.RootFolder.MapPath(e.RelativePath), "FileVistaControl_Uploaded");
On the two lines where I am adding the handlers I get the following error:
Error 4 No overload for 'FileVistaControl_Uploading' matches delegate 'System.EventHandler<GleamTech.Web.Controls.FileVistaUploadingEventArgs>'
Yesterday, the same code compiled clean the only difference was that I was adding only the _Browsing event. Now that one gets the same error too. What have I missed here????
Bob Moffa
7/25/2010 11:28 AM
Oops. Looks like I had a copy/paste problem.
Bob Moffa
7/26/2010 5:46 AM