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"Direct link with this name already exists"

Hi Cem,

Just checking out the Directlink feature and looking at upgrading shortly.

I noticed after setting up our test environment with Filevista that if I upload a file, Direct link it, then delete the file, then upload the same file and attempt to direct link the file it complains that the direct link already exists.

I know this is a not normal circumstance, but what I would like to know is how do we remove/delete exisitng direct links if we haven't previously put an expiry on it. I can't find in the application where there is a listing of Directlinks, does this exist? 


Damon 2/28/2011 10:52 PM
Doesnt Exists at present, you would need to modify the table in SQL server or whatever DB you are using.

I know this feature has been asked for and Cem said they are looking at inclding a link manager at some point.

Rob Atkinson 3/1/2011 2:23 PM
thanks Rob.
Damon 3/1/2011 2:54 PM
One thing you can do is call the page editdirectlink.aspx but you will need to know a few parameters first. heres an example..

replace PATHTOFILE with your folderpath you dont need the drive letter e.g C:\files would simply be files

Rob Atkinson 3/1/2011 3:36 PM
Awesome, thanks for the tip!
Damon 3/1/2011 3:49 PM