It seems the previous tips for changing the "Welcome to FileVista" message don’t apply for version 4.6. How would I go about doing this?
Jim Nowotny
8/13/2012 6:34 AM
Would like to know the same as well.
Call me a server
8/28/2012 10:09 AM
Got it figured out. Download the deploy version of the software, not the msi and extract. There is a folder called Resources, edith your xml file and then place it out at .......\FileVista\App_GlobalResources\FileVistaResourceStore\Languages
So, FileVista should automatically recognize the changes to the resource files under this folder.
If FileVista does not recognize the changes then you can touch (simply open & save) your FileVista\Web.config file to force FileVista to see the changes.
Call me a server
8/28/2012 10:14 AM
Thanks! Worked like a champ.
Jim Nowotny
8/29/2012 6:27 AM