hI I am evaluating the trial version and trying to integrate The FieVista control into a larger admin application
I was wondering if there is a way to traverse the folder structure and set the currently selected folder to a specfic folder and have that folder's content show up in the content pane.
Ex: Root folder c:\admin\Root folder
Root folder contain subfolders
I would like to have all three subfolders display but show subfolder3 as selected folder and have contents display in content pane.
Any help you could provide you be appreciated!.
11/21/2012 12:35 PM
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for your interest in our product.
Yes it's possible to do what you need.
You should first register a client loaded event:
<GleamTech:FileManager ID="fileManager" runat="server" ClientLoaded="fileManagerLoaded" > ...
Then in the host page you should add this javascript function:
function fileManagerLoaded(sender, eventArgs) {
var fileManager = sender;
//You can get the target subfolder name from a global var or a dom element if you wish
var targetSubfolder = "subfolder3";
setTimeout(function () {
//Get first root folder with index 0
var rootTreeNode = fileManager.TreeView.root.childNodes[0];
if (rootTreeNode.loading) {
//If subfolders are still not loaded, wait again by calling the function after 200ms
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 200);
} else {
var treeNode = null;
//Find the treeNode that matches targetSubfolder name
for (i = 0; i < rootTreeNode.childNodes.length; i++)
if (rootTreeNode.childNodes[i].text == targetSubfolder
|| rootTreeNode.childNodes[i].text.toLowerCase() == targetSubfolder.toLowerCase()) {
treeNode = treeNode.childNodes[i];
if (treeNode != null)
}, 200);
Cem Alacayir
11/21/2012 1:45 PM
Awesome Thanks CEM!!
11/23/2012 6:40 AM