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Request object error 'ASP 0206 : 80004005'

when i put webexplorer on my server and I try to make an upload, I receive this error:

Request object error 'ASP 0206 : 80004005' 

Cannot call BinaryRead 

Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection. 

The strange thing is that in another server webexplorer work correctly!!

Any ideas ??
Vannus 12/24/2002 6:51 AM
Normally, this error should occur when trying to access the incoming binary stream after calling Request.Form but in the code, Request.Form is not actually called because of an "if condition", it just appears before Request.BinaryRead.
Probably, the server that you are getting the error with, has an old version of ASP installed.
Cem Alacayir 12/26/2002 7:14 PM