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Upload Problems with IIS6 (Windows 2003)

Hi! I have problems with uploading files greater than 500 K... in response an incomplete popup message:

"is uploaded
B ( bytes) written
Content type:  "

they're missing some words !!!!!

but with smaller file:

"server.met is uploaded
4,94 KB (5058 bytes) written
Content type: application/octet-stream"

I've tried Mdac, time out in the config.asp every thing recommend by you in this forum... 

nothing help me!

So if tou have any will be great.


Alex 4/30/2003 1:58 PM
Hi Alex,
Sorry for my late response.
I have received the same kind of error report from some other user and I am trying to figure out the cause.
Can you please change (comment out) both line 1076 in default.asp and line 40 in WexGeneric.asp to:
'on error resume next
and then try to duplicate the error. That way, you would get a detailed error message. I will wait for your feedback.
Thank you.
Cem Alacayir 5/12/2003 3:28 PM
Hi ,

this is what result when I duplicate the error.

Objet Request erreur 'ASP 0104 : 80004005' 

OpĂ©ration non autorisĂ©e 

/././plugins/file transfer/WexGeneric.asp, ligne 96 
Alex 5/13/2003 3:16 PM
I have found out the cause of this problem and I will try to fix it soon but in the meantime, you can apply the instructions told in this Microsoft KB article to get rid of this problem.
Cem Alacayir 5/28/2003 5:19 PM
Hi , before all , Webexplorer is a great soft ;o) 

In IIS 6 and W2K03  , there is a file named metabase.xml who is in /windows/system32/inetsvr , and if u open it with notepad or some other software , u can just modify the setting : 
this setting limit the sending of files bigger than 200k , the u can put another setting like 20000000 to authorize the upload of file with a size 20Mo . 

Be careful with Metabase.xml because if something miss in the file iis won't work :: so make a backup before cry . :o) 
Traxx 7/1/2003 12:33 PM
Hi Traxx,
Thanks for your solution. I will improve/fix generic file transfer plugin soon but users of W2K3 can apply this solution by the time.

Before editing Metabase.xml, be sure to stop the IIS service first so that you can save the file.  
Cem Alacayir 7/3/2003 10:33 AM
Hi there, thanks for the tip. I had found the answer on another forum but forgot to post here (doh!). In regard to editing that file, you can edit on the fly if you access your server properties in IISman and check the box that allows metabase editing. This way you do not have to shutdown or restart any of the IIS services.
Jeremy Markel 7/3/2003 1:39 PM
Thanks a lot for that tip. Saved me a lot of tears! ;)
Robin 9/10/2003 6:21 AM
hi i've tried to modify metabase.xml but in IIS6 2003
How Can stop the IIS6 Services?
I've try ... but i can't stop it... where is the key for stop it?
The metabase.xml not modificable before of stop IIS6


PS: sry for my english.... i'm italian..

andrea 2/6/2004 9:32 AM
Go to Start > Run and type CMD and enter the following:

To Stop:
%windir%\system32\iisreset.exe /stop

To Start:
%windir%\system32\iisreset.exe /start
Cem Alacayir 4/28/2004 9:34 PM
Thanks guys this got me out of a spot. Very helpful
Rob 3/10/2005 6:11 AM
Hi, I have problem with uploading big size files (100MB and above). 

I've modified the above mentioned registry value, however none seems to work.

Any solution to this particular problem?

Yoh 3/14/2006 4:41 AM
Visual steps to editing metabase.xml without shutting down IIS.

1. Open Computer Management console (Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Computer Management).
2. Click on Services and Applications.
3. Right-click on Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
4. Select Properties from the right-click menu.
5. Tick off the box labelled Enable Direct Metabase Edit.
6. Click OK and you're done. You can now edit the metabase.xml file without shutting down IIS. Good Luck!

Thanks to Jeremy (above) for his clue to editing the metabase.xml file without shutting down IIS.
Alex 6/21/2006 3:37 PM

I really like your code.. I think I broke my IIS.. My employer wanted to upload a drive image of 16 GB so, (well he's the boss) so, I updated Metabase.xml to allow AspMaxEntityAllowed = 20GB and AspBufferingLimit = 20GB ... Well That Broke my IIS.. Now, what was working properly before doesn't work the same at all.. Even rolling back the metabase.xml file does not restore functionality. I have rebooted and restarted IIS several times. I still have a seemingly unchangeable upload cap of about 65MB....

Can anyone help me? I am pretty frustrated!


Andrew 7/6/2006 12:20 PM
I'd just like to thank the guys who put up this solution. 

Having had no IIS training and had to move an app from Win 2000 to Win 2003 and from IIS 5 to 6 I came across this issue adding documents. 

It's now fixed. Great!
Niall 8/1/2008 6:04 AM
I stay here, just for say Thanks for the solution.

greeting from BS AS (Argentina). -.-
walter 3/10/2010 9:39 AM
It worked great for me too.
Roberto 8/26/2010 12:23 PM
Better later then never, for those with IIS6/7 the easiest way to fix this without editing files or registry, simply go to the IIS Manager "Start/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Internet Information Services" click the "Server Name" you want to change, double click "ASP" under "IIS", open "Limits Properties" and increase the "Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit" to say "1000000" which is [1Mb]. Default is 200000 [200Kb], don't set it too high as ASP scripts will timeout unless you increase that as well.

Romy 1/17/2013 6:17 AM
Hi Traxx,

Its working. thanks a ton.
Aditya 5/1/2013 3:53 AM