Is there a way to make it so that there will be icons next to the files. such as ".doc" files have the icon "doc.png" and so forth....?
3/14/2004 12:51 PM
NVM I got it
3/14/2004 12:55 PM
How please share your wisdom
Bill Doors
6/7/2004 11:19 PM
Edit the part of Default.asp that makes the "Viewable" and "Editable" icons appear. Just edit the code enough so that it will add different icons... Example below is what I did on mine:
Function GetIcon(fileName, isFolder)
Dim ext
If isFolder Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=16 height=16 src=""./images/folder.png"" alt=""Folder"">"
ext = FSO.GetExtensionName(fileName)
re.IgnoreCase = true
re.Pattern = "^" & ext & ",|," & ext & ",|," & ext & "$"
If re.test(editableExtensions) Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=16 height=16 src=""./images/defaul4.gif"" alt=""Microsoft Word Document"">"
If re.test("ppt,ppt") Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=16 height=16 src=""./images/PPT.gif"" alt=""Microsoft Power Point Presentation"">"
If re.test("xls,xls") Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=16 height=16 src=""./images/XLS.gif"" alt=""Microsoft Excel Workbook"">"
If re.test("htm,html,asp,aspx,dhtml,js,jsp,xml,xsl") Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=16 height=16 src=""./images/Internet.gif"" alt=""Dynamic Web Document"">"
If re.test("zip,zip") Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=15 height=16 src=""./images/ZIP.gif"" alt=""Zipped (Compressed) Folder"">"
If re.test("swf,fla") Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=14 height=16 src=""./images/Flash.gif"" alt=""Macromedia Flash File"">"
If re.test("mdb,mdb") Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=16 height=16 src=""./images/MDB.gif"" alt=""Microsoft Access Database"">"
If re.test("txt,txt") Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=12 height=16 src=""./images/Txt.gif"" alt=""Standard Text Document"">"
If re.test("avi,mp3,wav,mid,mpeg,mpg,wpl,wmv,mov") Then
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=16 height=16 src=""./images/Media.gif"" alt=""Microsoft Windows Media Player"">"
ElseIf re.test(viewableExtensions) Then
GetIcon = "<a href=""javascript:Command('View', "" & fileName & "");""><img align=absmiddle border=0 width=14 height=16 src=""./images/Picture1.gif"" alt=""Picture file - Click to view and learn details""></a>"
GetIcon = "<img align=absmiddle border=0 width=14 height=16 src=""./images/Defaul13.gif"" alt=""General Windows File"">"
End If
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End If
End Function
Travis Howle
6/10/2004 5:28 PM