When users upload large files my utilitizaion is pegged at 100% until the upload completes with inetinfo and dllhost using almost all the processor time. Is this normal? I am using the Wex upload functionality, not a third party tool.
Blair Reyes
3/23/2004 1:10 PM
Hi Blair,
The script upload (wexupload.asp) is very resource hungry so this is a known issue. However there is one setting that can decrease the CPU utilization:
1. Open IIS manager from control panel.
2. Locate the folder of "WebExplorer Pro" (wexpro) in the web site tree and open the properties of it.
3. Below (Application Settings), create an application if you didn't do it before.
4. Choose "Low(IIS Process)" as Application Protection and finally apply settings.
Other than this, you may use the free one of the supported 3rd party components. I will provide a more efficient solution with the new version soon.
Let me know about the results.
Cem Alacayir
3/23/2004 6:40 PM
I tried your steps. This seems keep the utilization from going to 100% during the upload process. However, when the uploaded file is being placed into the destination location, the utilization is pegged at 100% until the copying process is done. I look forward to your upcoming release that addresses the utilization and progress bar issues. Even so, I believe you have a great product here!
Blair Reyes
3/24/2004 12:18 PM